What is Open Soul Audio?
We live in an age of information overload.
The problem that we face as music creators is not a lack of starting points.
Instead, we're faced with the challenge of finding sounds / resources that resonate as true and worthwhile in this chaotic world.
🌅 Open Soul materialized from a vision to mend that gap 🌅
Our name is born from the idea of "open sourcing," an engineering term that means to take every piece of one's work, including the trade secrets and raw ingredients, and make it available to the public.
The intention of open sourcing is to uplift all creators by providing them with tools, resources and insights that they may not have otherwise arrive at on their own.
Open Soul aims to pour true human expression back into music and amplify our collective voice into the cosmos.
We create samples, presets, and music production resources for producers who aim to stand above the crowd and express their hearts in timeless sonic form.
If you, like us, have spent countless hours in the pursuit of bringing your musical ideas to life, then Open Soul is for you.
Every loop, every sample, and every preset that we create is made to lift up your work and help you turn your creative vision into a reality.